Contact Us
Below you will find information on how to contact our global teams, submit requests, and information
on general inquiries.
Below you will find information on how to contact our global teams, submit requests, and information
on general inquiries.
Before you send your request, we would like to explain how we use your personal information and why it’s as important to us as it is to you.
For P&G to be able to help you, we and our trusted service providers may collect your personal details. Your details will be stored for a period of time in line with legal and regulatory requirements depending on the nature of your inquiry. How we use the details you provide:
To respond to you and send relevant items or to follow up regarding your request.
To report data to regulatory authorities as may be required by law.
To identify trends in data that help us improve our products and services.
To read P&G's Privacy policy please visit this page.
Our team attends many conferences throughout the year, so they meet you face to face to connect with you. If you’re attending any of these conferences, we’d love to meet you there! Conferences we typically attend include:
ACI - American Chemistry Council – North America
POC - Palm and Lauric Oils Price Outlook Conference – Asia
In-Cosmetics – Europe and Asia
EPCA (The European Petrochemical Association) - Europe
ACC (American Chemistry Council) - North America
AFPM (American Fuel and Petrochemicals Association) - North America
SEPAWA - Europe
Global Oleochem Summit - China
Pet Fair Asia - China
CPHI India - India
Chemicals America - North America
IFT (Institute of Food Technologists) - North America
Supply Side West - North America